尾張の着倒れ、美濃の系図倒れ Owari no ki-daore, Mino no keizu-daore.

  • 解釈:尾張の人は着る物に凝り、美濃の人はすぐ偉い先祖を引き合いに出す。
  • Literal:The person of Owari wears it and falls down. The person of Mino falls down for a genealogy.
  • Interpretation:The person of Owari devotes itself to clothes, and the person of Mino invokes great ancestors immediately.
  • 類義:阿波の着倒れ、伊予の食い倒れ。京の着倒れ、大阪の食い倒れ。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.